Wednesday, January 1, 2014

How to FULL Backup Android without Root?

You never want to try to root? , Unlock bootloader and flashing the firmware again but had to sacrifice application, SMS, and other data important to be sacrificed?

Once the backup is easy to root for. Way as do backups with nandriod or using applications such as Titanium Backup. But what if insidenters devicesnya not in root?
How To Full Backup Android without root?
Download Holo Backup

Do not worry, there seekarang useful tools to do a full backup on Android. Named Holo Backup Tools is capable of backing up applications installed applications start up the application system. Coupled with the functionality to backup SMS.

Unfortunately the applications that run on Windows OS is only for android Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0 + and above. How to do backed up quite easily. Oprekers just execute the file. Exe (for windows) and then select the desired backup or restore backups early results are already there.

For those who want to try it please download the file at the following link. DOWNLOAD HOLO BACKUP

Download APK Downloader New Version

Google Play Store version of the web has changed appearance by Google. As a result, an application to download APK directly through Google Chrome extension can not be used anymore.

But now, the extension has been updated to be used to download the APK on your computer / PC directly.
Download APK Downloader New Version

This application can be used easily, and when you have installed the old version will be automatically updated on Chrome. If you can not download it via the link below:

Link 1 Download APK Downloader 1.5.0 Extensions for Google Chrome

Link 2 Download APK Downloader 1.5.0 Extensions for Google Chrome

The new APK Downloader extension:

  • Compatibility with new Play store (reported by existeam, Gaganpreet).
  • Detect when login has expired before downloading and open options page if necessary (requires new permission: access to tabs)
  • Insert email and device ID when trying to re-login (saves you from retyping this combination when session has expired).


Source :

How to Download APK files from Google Play Through PC

Google Play Android does have a website to be able to access the applications and games available. Unfortunately for downloading apps and games still have to go through the devices used with Google Accounts (Gmail) are the same. So, how to keep the apk can be downloaded through a PC (computer, notebook or laptop)? Here are the steps:

  1. Download Google Chrome.
  2. Download APK Downloader extension and then extract.
  3. Open the Google Chrome Browser> Settings> Extentions.
  4. Drag the file extension APK Downloader which in earlier extracts (apk-downloader-1.4.2.crx) to Google Chrome.
  5. There will be a notice to add an extension, click Add to confirm.
  6. Enter your Gmail account, gmail password and ID your Android device
  7. To get an Android device ID can be via GTalk Service Monitor by dial *#*# 8255 #*#* on Android devices that Insidenters use. Or device ID can install applications in Google Android Play Store.
  8. Once successfully logged in, visit the site
  9. Find Insidenters application will download, for example here WeChat application.
  10. Click the logo APK Downloader contained in the upper right corner (in the URL bar).
  11. Congratulations, now easily download the APK file from Google's Android Play Store!
For more details see the image below
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

So I created this article, may be useful

Kakao Talk Version Now Available for PC

Not to be outdone by WeChat and LINE Messenger is already present in the desktop version (PC). KakaoTalk recently also presented messenger software for Windows version. Is good news for Insidenters who have been using the application. Than others, KakaoTalk has an advantage in animated stickers and local content.
KakaoTalk Version Now Available for PC

For those who want to use the computer KakaoTalk. The main requirement is to download KakaoTalk mobile version (Android, BlackBerry, iPhone and Windows Phone). Install KakaoTalk in Google Play Store and follow the following steps:

  1. To login KakaoTalk desktop version requires email verification to register in app KakaoTalk for Android.
  2. Open the KakaoTalk application in android> to tab More> Account settings> and register the email.
  3. After registering the email, KakaoTalk download and install the windows version here.
  4. Login via e-mail that had been registered, KakaoTalk on PC will request a verification code. The code can be found in the Android KakaoTalk.
  5. KakaoTalk Insidenters can now chat using a PC.

Download Firefox Aurora

Anda ingin browser anda dengan fitur baru? selain itu browser ini juga keren dan menarik. baru baru ini firefox mengeluarkan browser terbaru yang di beri nama Firefox Aurora.
Sama hal nya dengan Mozilla Firefox, bedanya Firefox  Aurora di lengkapi dengan fitur fitur yang ter update dan support flash.
Support untuk semua Windows.

Download Aurora
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